Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lalala Love Lush - Dry Hands Get Help

Seduced through a Doorway...
I've been trying to publish a Lush Haul post, but due to technical difficulties, what I've already produced is held up in "Drafts."  Oh well, nothing is on accident.  So let's try a different approach.  First, I'll admit and agree that Lush is nothing short of Luscious.
*deeply inhaling the delicious smells currently permeating my room*
So many of you have done reviews and videos, so today I'm going to focus purely on BRB territory:
...or specifically Dry, Cracked Skin on Hands
Why, oh why, are the hands on my skin like a black hole for moisture?  After a year of washing to the extent that rivals someone with OCD in order to prevent the spread of well, EVERYTHING, I am left with ashy, cracked, and red hands. I don't want wrinkles on my hands.  I don't want my hands to age me. I don't like petroleum products, they suck the life out of my largest organ.  After constant abuse from the fickle weather and anti-bacterial invasion, I have been in search of:
After being pleasantly surprised by my cousin, C, with Chox Away and Noubar soap, I noticed a significant difference in levels of moisture on my legs long after my usually hot shower.  And after seeing all the hype on YT, my curiosity was peaked.  So I set a goal to seek out this revered brand.  And luckily, lo and behold, I found a store (not so close, but not too far).=)
I think I floated behind my nose, through the glass doorway, and into a vividly colored and soothingly scented mecca. Basically, it's everything I ever wanted in my bathroom, but didn't know it til that moment.
Am I in Heaven?
Everyone was smiling in there.  There were gatherings around glass bowls of water into which the reps would drop things that would fizz and bubble.  I constantly spotted people dramatically closing their eyes to smell items in a slow and luxurious manner.  I thought, 'What's going on here people? What must they be pumping through the vents?'
Then someone, Laura, spotted me and swept me away into an hour long (not that I noticed time) journey into product demo 411 a.k.a. my mini-spa tour.
The first stop was here:
Restore, Revitalize, Replenish
Step 1: Cuticle Cream that soothes the most stubborn skin and permeates the air like Lemongrass Tea
Step 2: Aqua Blue Exfoliator that sloughs dead skin and leaves a cooling herbal ocean scentsation
Step 3: A decadent light yellow, chamomile scented Body Lotion that truly is "as good as it gets,".
And it's organic and environmentally friendly?
Yes, it is a bit pricier than your drugstore brands, but it's worth it.  A little seems to go a long way.  Besides, if you turn in 5 clean, black pots, you get a free fresh face mask.
As a matter of fact, Laura did demonstrate four masks on my hand from what I refer to as the "salad bar" area.  It's made fresh and refrigerated but it does smell more like veggies...
The most moisturizing seemed to be Sacred Truth (green).

Anyhow, I left the store last week with samples (amongst a few of your recommendations like Buffy and Porridge) but couldn't get myself back there fast enough to get the three items for my hands (why do samples make us do that?).  Why?  Well, my hands looked great well into the week even after much contact with soap and water.  And these work on feet so you have something to do between pedis...
I guess it's all well and good, because I also picked up some of the Easter Bath Bombs and the Giant Egg (filled w/goodies) for Baskets;)  Well worth the 2nd trip.

May your hands remain undeniably holdable this season.
Happy Easter!

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